Picking him up at the airport was so fun and perfect, even better than October was! He his better and cuter and happier than ever. He did really well working in Canada for the last 5 weeks, but I am so so happy to have him home. You know that song that says "I thought I loved you then"? IT'S TRUE!!! My heart was leaping around in my chest when I saw his cute face. The best part is that he made sure I knew he felt the same way. AND HE BROUGHT ME SHOES! He knows what he is doing. I love the man :)
The very next day we got to do bridals :) It was so ridiculously FUN!!! Jess Curren is a wonderful photographer and she does fabulous work. Both my mom, sister, and Chase's mom came to help us... well help me. Chase pretty much handled himself, whereas my dress and veil and everything else require some maintenance. High maintenance. But so worth it. Chase is seriously hilarious. I know for a fact I will never be bored for the rest of my life, ahem, I mean eternity! He kept pulling weird faces and making it impossible for me to not laugh. Then I was told to "mouth breath". What? I have two faces- straight faced almost mad looking, and laughing my head off. Two extremes. By the end of the day I had kind of figured the middle gound out, but I still prefer laughing to the sultry look. Which works out considering I am always laughing with Chase. He is more fun than "a jar of peanut butter on a flat bed truck"! (Comparison courtesy of Chase) And he is also fun to look at. When Jess was taking pictures of just Chase she said, "Um... you are smokin!" I couldn't agree more!
My flowers were gorgeous! Thank you Sam :) And I could not love my dress any more. The Gallery by Lynette-- she turned my vision into a dress. Thank you :)
I am headed to New York with my dad tonight! He and I get to spend some time away from the planning and stress of the wedding and go play for a few days. YAYAYAYA! We are still working on finding Chase a suitcase that he can fit in so he can join us. I have only had him for 2 days in the past 5 weeks! So this could get a little crazy. More to come.
The showers last week were so fun! A perfect way to prep for a wedding! I got to tell every woman I know all about my fiance. The company was wonderful, the food delicious, and we got so really fun and needed gifts. The ward shower that the wonderful Poulsen women threw was perfect! She asked me to talk about Chase for a minute. Sometimes saying all the wonderful things I think in my head out loud reminds me how much I really love Chase... a whole lot! My wonderful bridesmaids, Sarah and Emily, also threw a shower for me! So so fun! It was themed Date Night, so Chase and I now have endless dates to go on and things to do at home, yay! Movies, games, card... a few other things ;) It was a blast! And finally my aunt Steph threw a family shower for me. We played fun games and each wonderful woman gave me a piece of marital advice and financial advice. My favorite marital advice was simple, just talk about everything. Communicate. And keep the Lord involved. My favorite financial advice was to always talk before making a big purchase. All good things. Thank you so much to everyone that has made our engagement so fun! And to all the people that have supported Chase and I. We love you all. Amen and Hallelujah.
13 days until we get married!
PS Hopefully I start adding pictures sometime soon!