Chloe and Chase Reynolds

Chloe and Chase Reynolds



Today I had the privilege of watching my little sister run. For those who have never been to a big track meet, you might find the following to be a bit dramatic-- it was moving to see Avery run. She ran six races in two days. Twelve laps in total of pure guts. In one particular race, she moved some to tears. One of her coaches described watching her run as spiritual. She is a very talented athlete, but more than that she works her butt off. And even more than she works and prepares for races, she can hurt better than anyone out there. She pushes herself so hard. The ability to put success above pain is something not everyone can do. But she... she can definitely do it. More specifically, in one of her races she was neck and neck with a girl from another team for about the last 200 meters of an 800 meter leg of the medley relay (she had also gained about 30 meters after getting the baton in 7th place). In the last 100 meters she went so hard, that she literally collapsed on the track as she crossed the finish line. It was so cool! Tough as nails. I love track, always will, but I doubt I will see too many races that are more impressive than today. Well done sugar.

While I was in Provo, I found wedding shoes! I found out that my dress will be finished this week! I bought a temple dress(my wedding dress isn't pure white)! I picked up announcements so we can send them this week! Slowly but surely, it's all coming together!

I also had the opportunity to attend the wedding of a good friend, Danielle Talbot now Anderson. Today she wed Justin Anderson for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple. The reception was beautiful, the bride was GORGEOUS! and I couldn't be more happy for them both. And the bridesmaids had some really awesome shirts :) Tonight made me look forward to our big day so much more! I love weddings! And I am so excited to have a cute pair like Justin and Danielle to have as married friends!

Side note: Crossfit is bomb.

Last but not least, congrats to all of those who conquered the marathon this morning! Well done, whether it was a part or the whole 26.2. A particular shout out to my bridesmaid Eminemily, my new running partner. We start Monday!

25 days until I wed my best friend. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE


The Dress

I have been a journal keeper forever. I loooove keeping a journal. One rule I have about journaling is this~~ Never journal when emotionally charged... unless that emotion is super happiness :) Or you will most assuredly go back and read it thinking "Who is the crazy/cranky/enraged/delirious person that wrote this. Ohhhhh right... That'd be me." I think this idea should also apply to facebooking. As entertaining as emotional fb statuses are, I would challenge all patrons of facebook to STOP MAKING FACEBOOK THE CENTER FOR EMOTIONAL VENTILATION. I swear I will make a t-shirt (Then I hope someone would make a t-shirt making fun of my blogging vents... and my ugly t-shirt).

This weekend I was in Sacramento with Weber State Track and Field Team. We had some awesome performances, and some heart breaking injuries. But overall this season, this whole year, has been a blast! I love that our team is kind of like a family. Especially when we are stuffed in a bus together for long stretches of time. Next year, Chase will be on those bus rides. Can I get a FIST PUMP? WOOOOO!

Today I went to my first dress fitting! I love my dress. LOVE. It's perfect. I was really nervous to go back and see it after a few months. You know, the classic 'Say Yes To The Dress' moment when Randy has to come save the bawling bride from her worst nightmare because her gown that she has been dreaming about for months is, in reality, not really all that dreamy? Yep. I had that moment a few months ago. Luckily, Lynette saved the day(Randy who?). She got me my dream dress after the first fiasco, and it is perfect in every way. My bridesmaids (save the lovely Lauren) and MOB and MOG (Mother of the Bride and Mother of the Groom respectively-- Come on people. Watch Father of the Bride already) came with me. It was just what a girl wants when she is wearing THE DRESS~~ lots of compliments and oohs and ahhs. Lauren, it's ok. I will send pictures when there are pictures to send.

Quick note about Chase(I know, you're surprised. I don't usually talk much about him). He is doing so well in Canada! He is just working his little butt off and being so successful! Congrats to my workin man, love you ;)

30 Days until the wedding. Now that we are within the a month of the day, the alias (BBQ) is no longer suitable. Wedding time baby.


The Dream Team

Long time, no see.

Since we last spoke much has occurred. I know you are interested (Megan), so here's the 4-1-1.

I have a florist. She is wonderful. She is fabulous. And she is Sammer Bammer. We booked earlier today and I could not be more excited! She totally sees my vision and she is quiet the artistical little gem and a great friend.

We are back at square one with bridesmaids attire. Good. Great. We may have a giant fiasco on hand with catering. Better. And my cake lady won't call me back. Swell. Hopefully we can start alterations on my dress this week. Hopefully. HOWEVER.>>> We have ordered announcements, and they are perfect :) I love them. I am most excited thus far about two things- Chase's suit... HOT! DANG! and the announcements. I have a master To-Do-List of all things wedding and it is slowly but surely coming together. I have loved planning our wedding, ahem... on most days.

I also had my first bridal shower! The lovely Green women hosted it in their home. It was perfect in every way. When we arrived, all the girls were helping tie a quilt that was a gift for me and Chase from Connie and Meg- that will be a precious memory forever. My cute sister Lauren drove 3 1/2 hours each way from Cedar City to spend 2 hours at the Bridal Shower. And it was finals week, AND she was finishing her job, AND she was graduating. And, oh she's just moving to CHICAGO for the summer a few days later. Wonder woman. I doubt she left any in the gene pool for me (More on that in a sec). All the Reynolds women made wonderful food as always. And we laughed ALL night. It was so fun! A few tears were shed when I opened Lauren's gift, a husband and wife Willow Tree, and my mother's gift, a Christus. I NEARLY cried over the Ninja blender and rice cooker and all the other awesome gifts that a nearly wed wants. Lauren's blog has a wonderful account of the whole thing, take a look.

So more on Lauren. She just graduated today with a BS is Accounting, Master in Accounting, and Master in Business Administration. Sean, her hubby, graduated with a BS in Accounting and Master in Accounting. We helped them move out of their house and they kindly passed some furniture onto Chase and I. Muchos gracias. They are currently driving to Chicago to play and work until they more to LAS VEGAS to work for Deloitte and Touche this fall (In laymen's terms, that mean WE ARE THE BEST and WE GOT THE BEST JOBS). They just bought their home there and I am pretty sure that next on their list of To-Do's is cure cancer. Or was it solve world hunger and achieve world peace? Ya I think that was it. Congrats to you both. I love you dearly.

School is OVER! Chase and I both finished finals is good shape and are both very grateful for the summer break. Our schedules for fall semester are beastly. Bring it on.

J got has mission call! July 27th to the Dominican Republic, spanish speaking. Congratulations J, you are going to be wonderful :) Tropical, beautiful and spiritual. Speaking of tropical (smooth transition huh?), Chase and I are spending our honeymoon in Hawaii!!!!! Nuff said.

So... I was putting this one off, but here it is. Chase is gone. Yes I know, he is coming back. But the last 12 1/2 days have been slightly off key without him here. Slightly? K fine. I hate being without him. There I said it. Public display of affection by way of extreme sadness. What can I say, I love him more than anything and, that said, I like when he is nearer rather than farther. And he is currently farther. He is in Grand Prairie (Hi. That sounds like a huge oxymoron to me Grand+Prairie=Not a very clear picture in my head. Grand+Beach=Freakin Sweet. Grand Prairie? Not so much.). He is selling security systems. We get to talk about as frequently as we want, which I am eternally grateful for, and he is doing very well. But let's be honest. I am not surprised. If that boy showed up at my door trying to sell me mustard by the gallon, I would buy it. I would buy a few. Then invite him in for tea and crumpets and kisses.

Happy Mother's day tomorrow to all mothers. Especially the mothers in my life. My mother Alison- I love you more than you will ever know. It's hard to summarize this, and you like symbols so here we go>>> Like a flower, a perennial. Regardless of the heat of the day or cold winters and being buried by snow, you are very resilient and you keep coming back for more. As strong as they come. I love you for it.

In other news. Z man ran a PR in the 1600m-- 5:35!!! Champion of the district. Avril ran a 5:16 today after being out of commission for about a month with a shredding ankle. I am really proud to come from a family of kick butt people. I love my family.

Speaking of family. I have realized more and more each day for the last little while that Chase and I are about to start one. I have been studying Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple with my Mom, and it has been truly humbling to even begin to comprehend how significant June 15th, 2011 will be. I love Chase. I love the Lord. And the three of us are going to make quite the team.

38 days until the BBQ
(But only 23 until Chase comes home!)