Chloe and Chase Reynolds

Chloe and Chase Reynolds


21 Weeks

This week we enjoyed a little time off for Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve skiing at Snowbasin and it was the best the snow has been this early in the year for a long time! I loved it. And I did not feel inhibited by my baby bump at all. I was cautious, but I was able to ski as aggressively as I usually do. That night was went to Grandma Nolene's for dinner and gifts. She gave us a card table and chairs that I am so glad to have, but never would have bought for myself. We also visited with Grandma and Grandpa Thomas and they gave us a lifetime table, so we are all set in the table department. That night we stayed at home and headed to Connie and Tony's in the morning. We had breakfast casserole and cinnamon rolls, SO good! This year we mostly got clothes, and we got them a pack n' play for Kate so that was exciting. Then we went to my mom's house for second Christmas morning in the afternoon. She gave us some money and some clothes, all good things. We got her an Apple TV for the basement #Netflicks. Grandma Jan and Grandpa took turns visiting. Of course, Bean family drama made it's way into the picture unfortunately (the Bean family party on the 23rd was kind of a drag). We are just glad to have our grandparents still around. Then we went to the Calton Christmas dinner. It's always good, but for some reason this year, including Thanksgiving, gravy was left off the menu. Sad day. Then we headed to my mom's to see Fowlers for a minute, back to Reynolds to see Clark and Hailey, then back to my mom's to sleep. Then next morning, Hudson got his big dump truck. Too cute. 

This year Chase talked a lot about how Christmas is his favorite time of year. I love it too, but I think I can get complacent sometimes that we have to run around so much. But this year, I enjoyed it more and complained less, for Chase, but it really helped everything go more smoothly. This year I finally printed Chase's mission book and it turned out great. He got me a shirt I wanted that says "baby mama" on it. It's cute! 

It's been so incredibly enjoyable to have Chase around these last couple of weeks. I am kind of dreading him going back to school and coming to home to an empty house again. And he has been amazing with getting the house closer and closer to finished. He is about 80% done with the floors and they look amazing. This week, we get our final bathroom counter and appliances!

On the baby front, I have now gained about ten pounds. So much for not gaining any weight in the beginning! I feel Kate move less frequently, but it is more obvious when I do. I think she might have more regular sleep cycles now. I still feel pretty good, very few symptoms. And I now show 100% of the time, but my size varies quite a bit from day to day. I am really excited to get past the 24 week mark, when fewer things can go really wrong. 

Oh! And Avery got engaged on the 19th! Jackson Walker is his name. We keep walking around saying, "Misses Walker, we need your help here!" from Miracle on 34th Street. He is a good guy, decathalete at BYU, from Idaho Falls, and he makes Ave happy. 

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