See, Chase and I have been talking about you, my baby, since before we got married (admittedly, before his mission). And since we got married, we have had the "when to start trying" talk several times. We always wanted to have kiddos, and we wanted to be young parents too. A few times, we set a date a few months out for our "let's start trying then" plans. That date would come and go and we didn't pull the goalie. And then we had the discussion again in June. And it was different. July came, and the goalie got benched. Little miss red showed her face, not surprisingly, at the end of the month. We weren't sad quite yet, just trying to be patient. Then in August, I got my hopes up. We did everything right (I think!). And about a week ago I started having pinching pains in my lower abs. Not cramps, but similar. I said to Chase, I really think it's going to happen this time. This feels like I think it should (as if I knew what I was talking about).
So today, the day before miss red should arrive, on the fourth pregnancy test in one week, I took one glance and nearly tossed it in the trash. And then I did a double take. I knew that faint positives were just that--extremely faint. But THERE WAS A LINE! "Chase! Come look at this!" His tired eyes, blinded by the bathroom lights, squinted. "I don't know what I am looking for." "Do you see a second line?!" We stared and stared. And over the next 90 seconds, a shadow turned into a pink line. I even pulled out a test from the day before (don't judge) to compare. Yep. The first one was totally blank, and the second one had a definite if faint line. I showed Chase the comparison. "Holy cow! There really is a line!" And we both smiled. We did it.
Relieved, excited, anxious, impatient, and grateful. So unbelievably grateful that we were able to get pregnant so quickly. It was a serious concern of mine, infertility. I broke down in tears as I did my makeup by myself a while later and said a prayer for every couple who has to work so much harder than we had to.
I am so happy. Completely overcome with joy.
We will become a family of three on April 30, 2015.
I am 4 weeks along.
Baby Reynolds is the size of a poppyseed ❤️
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