Every day feels like a week now. I keep thinking I am 40 weeks, but not yet! On Friday Chase and I went to our weekly appointment to see Dr. Barton. My fundal height is 38-39 (right on), I am dilated to a 1.5, I am 80-90% effaced and about 60% softened. Dr. Barton stripped my membranes, which was uncomfortable but nothing too crazy. There was a little blood when he was done, and that was it! He said if the stripping worked, we could see her this weekend! I am writing this on Saturday afternoon at 5:30, so I getting more impatient! He also said he didn't think I would go another week. Hallelujah!
After our appointment, we hurried to Weber to see Megan's graduation. She just finished her teaching degree. Then we headed home and took Alfie on a loooooong walk. Two hours and twenty minutes. We went up to Davis Blvd and over to 500 South, stopped to get a pineapple at Smiths, then came home. I didn't contract nearly as much as I wanted to during the walk, but I had some sharp pelvic pains. I have been losing bits of my plug since yesterday, so that's a good sign too.
Today, I went on a walk to the corner market to get milk, pulled weeds for a while, took a nap, and have been cleaning the house while Chase is at work. There is a big wind storm rolling in as I write this. It is supposed to bring 70+ mph winds. Our next door neighbor Bonnie is a labor and delivery nurse and she asked me if I had been contracting today. I have had a few but not many. As the storm comes in and I am cleaning, I am having more of them though! Bonnie said she knows that low pressure storms can induce labor from all of her years of experience, so I am hoping to get labor going tonight during the storm and have Kate with us tomorrow, May 1st!
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